Prof. Dr. Nüket Sandallı

Prof. Dr. Nüket Sandallı
Preventive Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry
Academic History
- She received her dental education at the Faculty of Dentistry of Istanbul University and obtained her “D.D.S.” degree in 1971.
- She received her “Dr. Med. Dent.” Degree in Conservative Dentistry and Treatment of Dental Diseases Department in 1975.
- She received her “Associated Professor” degree in Pediatric Dentistry in 1981 from Faculty of Dentistry of Istanbul University.
- She received “Professor” degree in 1988 from Faculty of Dentistry of Istanbul University.
- She established the Pediatric Dentistry department at the Faculty of Dentistry of Yeditepe University in 1998.
- She was the head of the Pediatric Dentistry Department at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Yeditepe University for 19 years.
- She was a member of Faculty Senate and Administration Committee for 19 years.
- She was awarded with the “CED Travel Stipend” in 2001 by The International Association for Dental Research for her study named “dental caries and dental health care of high income family children in Turkey.”
- She was awarded with the “Incentive Award” in 2005 by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey for her study named “Investigation of Traumatic Injuries in Turkey.”
- She was awarded with the best article in 2006 by Acta Odontologica Scandinavica for her study named “Salivary Mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli Levels After Investigation of the Probiotic Bacterium Lactobacillus Reuteri ATCC 55730 by Straws and Tablets.”
- She was awarded with “The EAPD Scientific Award Research for Oral Health and Nutrition” in 2008 for her study named “Effect of an Ice-cream Containing Bifidobacterium Lactis Bb-12 on Salivary Mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli.”
- She established the Pediatric Dentistry Department at the Faculty of Kemerburgaz in Istanbul in 2015 and was the head of the department for two years.
- She was a member of Faculty Senate and Faculty Administration Board for 2 years.
- Prof. Dr. Nuket Sandalli has recently retired from her academic studies and now is practicing dentistry at her own clinic called Istanbul Dental Center.
- She is married to her colleague Prof. Dr. Turker Sandalli, has two children, a daughter, a son, and has five grandchildren; four boys and a girl.