Dt. Emre Asım

Dt. Emre Asım
Academic History
- DDS, MSc Emre Asım was born and raised in Oslo, Norway. He started his primary and secondary education at Oslo International School, later on completed his high school education at Istanbul Bahçeşehir College. He studied dentistry at Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry to successfully achieve his DDS title. After finishing his Dentistry education, Emre Asim studied Prosthodontics at Marmara University, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry in which he successfully graduated by completing his thesis about CAD/CAM technologies and digital dentistry to receive the title of MSc. His professional work mainly focuses on digital smile design, hollywood smile, porcelain laminate veneers, emax, empress and implant supported hybrid prosthesis. He provides services to his patients in the field of cosmetic, prosthetic and general dentistry in Istanbul Dental Center Clinic.
Associations he is a member of
- TDB (Turkish Dental Association)
- TPID (Turkish Society of Prostodontics and Implantology)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)
- ITI (International Team for Implantology)
- CADA (Computer Aided Dentistry Academy)
Attended courses, symposiums and congresses:
- TPID congress in 2015.
- Tav Dentals conference on the success of the Implants with zirconium abutment in 2015.
- Participated in the soft tissue and implant aesthetic compatibility conference given by Marius Steigmann in 2016.
- Participated in ITI Antalya congress in 2016.
- ITI implant surgery introductory coursein 2017.
- Up-to-date information on implant supported prosthetics lectured by Sofia Leziy in 2017.
- TPID congress with a poster presentation in 2017.
- Marmara University International Dentistry Symposium with a Poster presentation in 2018.
- Digital Smile Design and Dental Photography course in 2018.
- EDAD congress in 2019
- TPID congress in 2019 with oral presentation.
- ITI online congress in 2020
- EDAD online congress in 2020